

导语:麻婆豆腐,一道源于四川的地方特色菜肴,以其麻辣鲜香、口感独特而深受人们喜爱。然而,传统制作方式中往往含有较高的油脂和盐分。今天,我们将分享一种低脂少油的麻婆豆腐 recipes,让你在家中也能享受健康美食。


1. 主料:嫩豆腐(适量)、牛肉末(适量);
2. 辅料:豆瓣酱(适量)、蒜泥(适量)、葱姜末(适量)、青菜(适量);
3. 调料:生抽(适量)、蚝油(适量)、料酒(适量)、水淀粉(适量)、鸡精(适量)。


1. 砂锅、炒锅、蒸锅;
2. 切刀、漏网、碗等。


1. 准备工作:将豆腐切成小块,放入碗中备用;青菜洗净切段。将豆瓣酱、蒜泥、葱姜末分别剁碎。

2. 烧热锅加入少量油,待油温升高后,下牛肉末翻炒至变色。

3. 加入豆瓣酱、蒜泥、葱姜末,炒出香味。

4. 倒入适量生抽、蚝油、料酒,翻炒均匀。

5. 将焯好水的青菜段放入锅中翻炒均匀。

6. 沙锅中加热水煮沸,将豆腐块放入蒸煮5分钟。

7. 热锅加入少量油,倒入牛肉和调料翻炒几下。

8. 水淀粉加入适量水调匀,淋入锅中,迅速搅拌均匀。

9. 最后将煮沸的豆腐连同汤汁一起倒在炒制好的青菜上。

10. 蒜香、鲜美、微辣的麻婆豆腐即可出锅装盘。


1. 少油少盐:在烹饪过程中,尽可能选择优质植物油,如橄榄油、花生油等,且用油量较少。同时,尽量缩短腌制时间,减少调料中的盐分。

2. 绿植搭配:青菜中含有丰富的维生素C和膳食纤维,有助于促进肠胃蠕动,预防便秘。因此,将青菜作为麻婆豆腐的辅料,不仅可以增加菜肴营养价值,还能降低脂肪、胆固醇摄入。

3. 豆腐选择:选择嫩豆腐,口感滑嫩,容易烹饪。同时,低脂大豆制品如豆浆、豆干等也具有较低的脂肪含量,适合健康饮食爱好者。

4. 烹饪技巧:炒菜时,控制好火候,避免过度加热,以免营养损失。勾芡不宜过早,以防汤汁过于粘稠。


How to Make Mala Tofu – A Healthy Home-Cooked Dish


1. Main Ingredients: Young tofu (适量), minced beef (适量)
2. Accessories: Chili bean paste (适量), minced garlic (适量), chopped green onion and ginger (适量), green vegetables (适量)
3. Spices: Light soy sauce (适量), oyster sauce (适量), cooking wine (适量), starch slurry (适量), chicken essence (适量)


1. Pot, wok, steaming pot
2. Knife, colander, bowl, and other necessary utensils

Cooking Steps and Techniques:

1. Preparation: Cut the tofu into small cubes and set aside. Rinse the green vegetables and cut into segments.

2. Heat a pan with a small amount of oil, then stir-fry the minced beef until cooked through.

3. Add chili bean paste, minced garlic, and chopped green onion and ginger to the wok, sauté until fragrant.

4. Pour in light soy sauce, oyster sauce, and cooking wine, stir-fry well.

5. Add the cleaned green vegetables to the pot, stir-fry together for a few minutes.

6. Bring water in the steaming pot to a boil, steam the tofu cubes for about 5 minutes.

7. Heating the wok again, add a small amount of oil and toss the cooked beef with the seasonings.

8. Mix starch slurry with water and pour it into the pot. Stir quickly to mix well.

9. Finally, pour the steamed tofu along with the sauce on top of the stir-fried vegetables;

10. The delicious and slightly spicy mala tofu is ready to be served!

Healthy Eating Knowledge:

1. Low in Fat and Salt: Choose high-quality vegetable oil such as olive or peanut oil during cooking, using minimal amounts of oil. Furthermore, limit marinating time to reduce salt content in seasonings.

2. Combination with Green Vegetables: Incorporating green vegetables like kale into the dish not only enhances nutritional value but also reduces fat and cholesterol intake.

3. Tofu Selection: Select young tofu for its soft and tender texture that is easy to cook. Additionally, low-fat soy products such as soy milk or bean curd sticks have minimal fat content and are suitable for health-conscious individuals.

4. Cooking Techniques: Control the heat during frying to prevent nutrient loss. Don’t add a starch slurry too early, as this can make the sauce thick and sticky.



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