




1. 提高公众对慢性肾病的认识;
2. 传授科学的饮食知识;
3. 引导患者养成良好的饮食习惯。


1. 慢性肾病的基本知识

Chronic kidney disease (CKD) is a common chronic disease that affects millions of people around the world. Most kidney diseases attack and damage the kidneys slowly over time, leading to irreversible damage. In some cases, this damage leads to serious symptoms, such as decreased ability to filter waste product from blood, which can cause fluid buildup and other health issues.

The most common kidney conditions include:

* Acute kidney injury is sudden and temporary loss of kidney function.
* Chronic kidney disease (CKD) represents the gradual decrease in kidney function over time, as mentioned above. CKD may be caused by many different factors, including hypertension, diabetes mellitus, glomerulonephritis, renal stones, polycystic kidney disease or urinary obstruction.

2. 慢性肾病与饮食的关系

Adequate nutrition is critical for the prevention and control of chronic kidney disease. Good diet can slow the progression of CKD, reduce complications, and improve quality of life. In this part, we will introduce you to the following points:

* The principle of a healthy diet;
* The amount of protein intake and its types during dialysis;
* How to choose low-potassium, low-sodium foods;
* Tips for eating out or taking medication;

3. 慢性肾病患者的科学饮食建议

Below are some scientific dietary advice for patients with chronic kidney disease:

* Reduce salt intake: Reduce the daily salt content of food to less than 6 grams, avoid processed foods, and add more vegetables and fruits.
* Control the amount of protein intake: Pay attention to the quality of the food, choose high-quality proteins such as eggs, fish, skinless chicken breast and tofu. The protein requirement is usually controlled within 0.8-1.2g/(kg•day).
* Take moderate carbohydrates: Maintain a reasonable calorie intake and control blood sugar.

4. 慢性肾病防治合理膳食产品推荐






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