1. 提高公众对慢性肾病的了解和防控意识;
2. 引导公众建立科学合理的饮食习惯,预防慢性肾病的发生;
3. 通过网络平台及多种渠道,传播慢性肾病防治相关知识,提升公众健康素养。
1. 慢性肾病基础知识
Chronic Kidney Disease (CKD) is a lifelong syndrome characterized by progressive and irreversible damage to the kidneys and decline in kidney function. It encompasses a broad range of renal diseases, including acute renal failure, chronic glomerulonephritis, diabetic nephropathy, hypertension nephropathy and other types of chronic renal disease.
Chronic kidney disease has various etiologies, common causes include diabetes, hypertension, chronic kidney inflammation, urinary tract infection, autoimmune diseases and certain genetic factors. The initial signs and symptoms of CKD may be subtle, including fatigue, weakness, reduced urine output, swelling (edema), itchy skin, and changes in taste.
2. 合理膳食原则
Studies have shown that excessive salt intake is associated with an increased risk of developing kidney disease. Chronic high blood pressure can also further accelerate the progression of CKD. Therefore, it is essential for patients with chronic kidney disease to reduce their salt intake. The recommended daily salt intake from food should not exceed 6g.
High-fat diets are also considered a significant risk factor for chronic kidney disease. It is advisable to consume less than 60g of fat per day, particularly saturated fats and trans fats. Opt for healthy fats such as monounsaturated fatty acids (MUFA) and polyunsaturated fatty acids (PUFA), found in foods like olive oil, nuts, and fish.
For individuals with CKD, high protein intake may increase the workload of the kidneys, potentially accelerating the progression of renal disease. Therefore, it is recommended to control dietary protein intake, preferably to low or normal levels, which may help slow down the progression of kidney damage.
1. 制作科普文章及短视频,通过网络平台进行传播;
2. 在医疗机构、社区等地举办讲座、义诊等活动,提高公众对慢性肾病防治知识的认识;
3. 制作针对性食品,如低盐、低脂、低蛋白的烹饪教材,引导公众科学饮食;
4. 合作媒体进行宣传报道,扩大宣传范围。
1. 提高公众对慢性肾病防治知识的认知;
2. 引导公众建立健康饮食习惯,降低慢性肾脏病发病风险;